- August 4 to 17, 2024

Zsófia Környei


Formed at the Liszt Conservatory of Music in Budapest, Zsófia Környei is regarded as one of the most talented violinists of her generation.
Her first studies were under the supervision of her father after which she went on to study with András Kiss, Ferenc Rados, Dénes Zsigmondy, Béla Bánfalvi, Mrs. Magdolna Tavasz, Igor Ozim, Yfhran Neumann, Yehudi Menuhin, Tibor Varga and Ruggiero Ricci.
Recipient of several prizes, her recitals have taken her in concert halls across Europe, the USA and Far-East. In 1997 she was appointed concertmaster of Matáv Symphony Orchestra.
Dedicated and sought after teacher, she currently hold a professorship position at the Liszt University of Music.

Professor at MISQA for the following years