Formed in 2016, the Agate Quartet has performed at various festivals in France and abroad with renowned partners such as Raphaël Chrétien and Alain Brunier.
In 2016, with the support of Jérôme Pernoo and the Danel Quartet, they created the CorsiClassic Festival, a chamber music festival held in Corsica.
Official selection of the 2018 Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition, the Quartet is currently working at the Scholl of Music “Hanns Eisler” in the class of Eberhard Feltz and with Mathieu Herzog in Paris.
Year(s) at MISQA
- 2018
Quartet members
Violin: Adrien Jurkovic
Violin: Thomas Descamps
Viola: Raphaël Pagnon
Cello: Simon Iachemet